
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Commited to prayer

"Never stop praying" 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT)

I have been asking God to help me be more diligent in my prayer life. Sounds kind of funny when I say that because asking God for help in talking to Him is actually doing what I'm asking His help for. Does that make sense?

So, as part of my commitment I've been keeping a prayer journal. I try to write in it daily. In my journal I write a list of the people I need to pray for, the struggles I need God's help with, the trials I need strength to get through, wisdom to teach and train our children, and patience. As I pray I go through my list and add as I felt lead to pray. I can't tell you how amazing this has been. Just as a reminder of what I prayed for the day before and I can see how God has answered those prayers.

While reading this blog I read about her commitment to pray for her children. So, I added the button to my blog and will be writing out my commitment (hopefully today).

What better way to protect and cover our children, but through prayer? Even better for our children to see their mom & dad constantly praying for them. This is an amazing example of going to God in prayer for everything. Nothing is too small or too silly. This is what God desires. He may not answer when we want Him to or in the way we want Him to. He is faithful to answer though.

My prayer over the past month is for my will to be God's will. To be content in His timing. To rest in the assurance that God will make everything perfect in His time. I can tell you I have see the blessing already.

I'll leave you with a wonderful quote from Elizabeth George's book, A Woman After God's Own Heart, which I have adopted and written on the inside of my prayer journal. She says,

"Make no decision without prayer."

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